Come and see the layout at our Exhibition

Basildon Model Railway Club's 32nd Model Railway Exhibition in July 2011
James Hornsby school, Laindon SS15 5NX

The plan as of 20th June 2010

The plan as of  20th June 2010


The following are some picture, that I have borrowed from the internet and of my own, are of some viaducts, arches etc.

Viaduct and road north of Dunblane

Findhorn viaduct


47 heading for Perth and crossing the Forgandenny Viaduc

Parallel viaducts

Glenfinnan Viaduct

The Dee viaduct

Pinnock viaduct

The following are unknown arches to give us some ideas on different uses.

The following are a collection of pictures that interest me.

How about a Paddle Streamer at our dock side

Another one for the dock side